February 19, 2013

Host People in Your House, Receive Money and Travel for Free @ Airbnb

http://kenhegan.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/6a00e54f91645288340163056782bd970d.jpgThe world is always changing. The opportunities, specially for travelers, has to be caught instantly because they arrive, stay for a while and then they disappear ...

In the beginning was Servas which, through the paper create the opportunity to host and be hosted for free anywhere in the world. Obviously there were just few lucky that knew and took advantage of this opportunity: travel, stay for free, meet people and cultures directly from inside the houses, share, build relationships and gain confidence about and within the world. This until a decade ago, when the concept was picked up and carried on the net thanks to Hospitalityclub and Couchsurfing, that revolutionize the way of travel of many people, giving this opportunity to everyone, and also through their groups and forums, it becomes a real community for the support of travelers.
Thanks to this, for many the world was no longer only fear, war, power and money, but become also share, help, awareness, diversity, understanding. Many have benefited from this opportunity.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-P1mt1Fpyv-Q/UDTkuhW0gPI/AAAAAAAABQo/xwvN_g9I3so/s1600/Airbnb-2.jpgToday, another step in the concept of hospitality from Airbnb is done, which takes the model of CouchSurfing and transform it, with the difference that guests, rather than stay for free, give an economic contribution to the host.

Probably someone will say that losing the gratuity is losing the original spirit, but we see it instead as something complementary. Of course, someone could use with entrepreneurial spirit, looking only to inflate his wallet, as well some people use Couchsurfing to find something else with the excuse of hospitality, but we are aware that doesn't exist any perfect system, which allows all people to be happy for everything, but that there are systems with different opportunities of many personal visions.

http://www.fastcompany.com/multisite_files/fastcompany/imagecache/mic2012_poster/mic2012/136-poster-airbnb-most-innovative-company-2012.pngMany of the travelers using Airbnb are not even aware of the opportunity to be hosted for free through other channels. Some, on the other hand, know this possibility, but don't have the courage yet to try, so an economic exchange becomes a kind of confidence that nothing negative can happen: I'll pay and everything will be fine. Other people, might not just be interested at all to have free hospitality: I pay so that I don't have to worry about how to give something in return. Many people, works 50 hours per week, then work at home, then have family to take care, to do something productive they force themselves to follow lesson, do sport, to have leisure time and go to cinema, to holiday, etc... it is clear that thinking about "how to give something in return from the free hospitality" means give them a lot of additional mental work.

That's why we see Airbnb as complementary. We can see people who, otherwise, could be difficult to meet, and both we will benefit from sharing our diversities.
To receive money is also a small pleasure to our pockets, but is not important because a person for free or paying, for us has the same worth. Hosting in the past hundreds of people, for free, without receiving a penny, we enriched, in terms of knowledge, understanding, acceptance and awareness that transformed lives and the world from a place of torture, to an experience to feel good and have the best us of capabilities bringing benefits to the around environment.
http://vator.tv/images/attachments/150811155440airbnb.pngAnd hence, take a look to AIRBNB and you will receive a $ bonus and discount for the first trip.
You can then add your home or your apartment and begin to receive guests. Thanks to the code that you have entered (and you can do the same in future too) we will receive a contribution for each registration and this will allow us to travel for free to other people's House and keep enjoying.

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